úterý 22. května 2012

PV745N Reinstallation


Client computer:
  • Must not be, or ever have been, on a domain 
  • Has to be given a 1 word simplex name 
  • Must be running XP 
  • Disable simple file sharing 
  • Disable firewall 
USB Key:
  • Some issues with certain brands 
  • Cannot be larger than 2GB 
  • Should show boot files (like boot.ini) and driver folders

In order to re-install the operating system on a Powervault 745N, you will need the following:
  • Powervault media kit (one resource CD and 3 or 4 operating system CD’s depending on which version of the software you are using) 
  • A PC running Windows XP Pro or Windows 2000 Pro that is not currently a member of a domain (laptops will work but can be problematic) 
  • an Ethernet network cable for newer PC’s or an Ethernet crossover cable for older PC’s 
  • USB thumbdrive, 64MB or larger

Steps to re-image the Powervault 745N

Configure client:

  1. Make sure windows firewall is turned off via Control Panel > Windows Firewall
  2. Disable Simple File Sharing. My Computer > Tools > Folder Options > View tab. Scroll to bottom of list and uncheck the option.
  3. Connect the PC to the 745N via an Ethernet cable. Only use NIC #1 (top) on the 745N
  4. Verify the computer name on the PC is only one word and contains no special characters. XYZPC will work, XYZPC.yourcompany.com will not. Right-click My Computer, choose Properties > Computer Name > Change. The workstation name is listed in white box labeled Computer Name. Also verify PC is a member of a workgroup AND NOT a domain. If necessary, make a member of workgroup. Any name will work. It may work as a member of domain but may cause problems.
  5. Set the workstation with a static IP address and Subnet mask. Use this as an example:
    • IP Address: 
    • Subnet: 
    • Gateway: Blank 

Prepare the USB key

  • Install “USB Key Prep Utility” on the workstation. Download program here if necessary: 

  • Insert the USB key in the workstation and launch the “USB Key Prep Utility”. 
  • Configure key for NON-DHCP 
  • Client Network Name: Enter name of your workstation here, as verified above 
  • IP Config: (This is for the PV745 NAS specifically) 
    • Address: 
    • Subnet: 
    • Gateway: 
******NOTE: VERIFY that the drive letter showing in the ‘Detected USB Keys’ box is the drive letter assigned to the key and NOT your operating system or any other non-USB partitions

Now that the USB key is prepared:

  1. Make sure NAS unit is Powered Off before inserting the USB Key (If the PV745 is powered on and the USB key is not inserted, then the USB Key will not show up in the BIOS).
  2. Hit F2 on the post to get in to System Setup (BIOS).
  3. Go to Boot Sequence and make sure Hard Disk is first, not network.
  4. Go to Hard-Disk Drive Boot Sequence and set Hard-Disk-emulated USB Flash Drive to the top position using the -/+ keys. Save Setting and reboot the unit

Prepare the PC to serve the image to the 745N:

From the resource CD, install the re-installation console onto the client PC. Double-click the icon on the desktop to start. When prompted, insert disk 1 of the OS install set, it should begin copying the files to the client PC. Insert the remaining disks when prompted.

**NOTE: do NOT close this dialog box until the install of the 745 is complete, it will undo all the install setup.

You may also install the disks with a manual configuration by following these instructions:

NOTE: NASUser, NASGroup, NASShare and NASTemp are CASE SENSITIVE entries as well as the NASUser password.

  1. Create a local group called NASGroup
  2. Create a local user called NASUser with a password set to ”powervault”
  3. Place NASUser into the group NASGroup
  4. Create a directory on a Client system called NASTemp. (c:\NASTemp)
  5. Share the NASTemp directory as NASShare (with permissions of Everyone with Full Control)
  6. Copy all files from Operating System CD’s to c:\NASTemp folder (There may be 3 or 4 CDs, depending on program version). All files will go into this one folder. You will get overwrite messages on a few files which are ok to overwrite.
Boot the 745

When the PV745 boots to the USB key, select Option 1 “Reinstall NAS system”

When the NAS has completed the Automated Install Process it will be at a login screen. Default login for the 745 is administrator and powervault.

NOTE: Before that, you may see the OS with pop up screens asking if you want to reboot the system. Ignore them. Attempting to speed up the process by clicking on these screens will instead kill it. It is best to just walk away when the unattended install begins.


  1. Can't prepare USB key? > Verify you have local administrator rights or try a different Client.
  2. Can't create user NASUser” > Remove the Client from domain.
  3. Connect directly from the install Client to the NAS with a Standard NIC cable or Crossover cable. Verify you’re using nic 1. (Reinstallation will not work if it’s connected to nic 2.)
  4. Error “Can't create NASUser” > This could be caused by 1 or 2 reasons. The automated Install - Reboot and login as a local user on the Client making sure you delete NASUser and NASGroupbefore you run the automated install again. The manual install - Make sure that NASUser and NASGroup do not exist already under Users and Groups. If they exist, then delete NASUser and NASGroup and recreate them.
  5. Make sure you disable any firewall on the Client.
  6. Verify you’re filling in the USB prep tool correctly (Client name, etc)
  7. Unable to map drive? > Ping the 745 from the client, verify you have a connection. Run ipconfig and verify the client has a static IP. Verify the 2 machines have the same subnet mask.
  8. PBR error booting 745 off USB key. Partition Boot Record, re-image the USB key and safely remove hardware on client machine