neděle 23. prosince 2012

Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 8

Use the following information to navigate in Windows 8 using keyboard shortcuts.
NOTE:Many of the keyboard shortcuts from previous versions of Windows also work in the Desktop app in Windows 8.
Windows key Switches between Start Screen and the Desktop (or the last full screen application).
Windows key  + CShows the Charms and the clock.
Windows key  + HOpens the Share charm.
Windows key  + IOpens the Settings charm.
Windows key  + KOpens the Devices charm.
Windows key  + OTurns the screen orientation lock on or off if your computer can detect screen orientation.
Windows key  + WOpens the Search charm with Settings selected.
Windows key  + FOpens the Search charm with Files selected.
Windows key  + QOpens the Search charm with Apps selected.
Windows key  + XOpens the advanced menu on the Desktop or the Start Screen.
Windows key  + ZOpens commands for the current app.
Windows key  + TabShows the most recently used running apps and Start. Hold the Windows key  and press Tab to move from app to app.
Windows key  + Page upMoves the Start screen to the left monitor in multi-monitor setups.
Windows key  + Page downMoves the Start screen to the right monitor in multi-monitor setups.
Windows key  + Left arrowOn the desktop, moves a desktop app to the left half of the screen.
Windows key  +Right arrowOn the desktop, moves a desktop app to the right half of the screen.
Windows key  + Up arrowOn the desktop, maximizes the current window to full screen.
Windows key  + Down arrowOn the desktop, minimizes or restores a current window.
Windows key  + EOpens File Explorer to Computer.
Windows key  + ROpens the Run dialog box.
Windows key  +Pause/BreakOpens the Systems page.
Windows key  + DShows or hides the desktop - minimizes or restores all windows.
Windows key  + F1Launches Windows Help and Support.
Windows key  + Prt Scr (Print Screen)Takes and saves screenshots instantly. Windows saves the screenshot to your Pictures folder as a PNG image file.
Alt + TabShows all open apps. Hold Alt and press Tab to move from app to app.
Alt + F4Closes the software you are currently using. If the Windows desktop is selected, the Windows Shut Down menu displays.
Ctrl + mouse wheelZooms - Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while using the mouse wheel to grow or shrink an item on the screen.
Ctrl + . (period)Moves one Start screen group to the right.
Ctrl + , (comma)Moves one Start screen group to the left.

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